Syed Tahir Ali Jan

Syed Tahir Ali Jan (16)

Hi! I'm Tahir, Full-stack developer worked with various technology stacks such as Laravel, Vue, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

Laravel: Add @method() & @csrf to Blade

Taylor Otwell tweeted about his plans to add @method() and @csrf. I'm currently using Laravel 5.5 so I have to add these to a ServiceProvider to make use of it. This tutorial discusses how to add such helpers to your edition of Laravel. Let's start…

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Laravel Collections | Part 1

In Part 1, we'll delve into a variety of Collection methods, each accompanied by an example: The all method returns all the items from the collection as a plain array. It's a straightforward way to convert a collection into a standard PHP array. $collection =…

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The magic of extract() function in PHP

PHP is a versatile language, it offers numerous functions that simplify coding tasks. One of which is extract(), which can be a powerful tool in your PHP toolkit. In this article, we will delve into the extract() function, explore its uses, and provide code examples…

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